Tag: Micro-aggressions

Easter murder

The wife and I have been together for nearly 40 years — she has been threatening my life for a full 4 decades. I never took her fake plans seriously until this Easter. It had nothing to do with Jesus rolling a stone. It was about hamburgers. I’m […]

Distancing the dog

After 4 years together, I’ve been forced to distance myself from what my wife calls “the love of my life” — the tiger-striped chiweenie. It’s been very difficult for me, and after nearly a year of effort, we haven’t gotten very far apart. Like most things in my […]

Sugar, sugar

I promised the wife I would never write this story, but Tuesday’s a coming and I got nothing else. She and the 95-year-old house elf were about to enable my cookie addiction with a brand new batch of sugar cookies for Easter. As usual, I was in the […]

Stop the polls

My democratic friends have been wetting their beds for weeks over the latest polls. The NY Times, CNN, FOX polls are all showing the twice-impeached-four-times-indicted, orange, Putin-puppet tied or in a lead for the oldest horse race in presidential history. Just when you thought they couldn’t get any […]

The saddest story ever told

Who knew a basic text could make me cry. Gathering up a foursome to play tennis doubles, I sent a quick thread to the Tuesday regulars looking for a game. I included the two Bobs. You know Happy Bob — the no-longer lawyer who no longer has to […]

Disappointing her — again

Watching too much of the news has been making the wife anxious. Just when some “good news” made her feel just a bit better again, I had to ruin it. As our slow unsteady descent into a potential dictatorship plays out across each day’s “headlines,” finally there was […]

Betting on Black in Reno

What the fuck is wrong with Arizona? Too much to list, but what specifically made Lewis Black skip an entire state? I was forced to leave my fucked up state to fly to Reno to see Señor Black on this “farewell tour. “ Unfortunately, that meant I had […]

Cookie addiction

I married a woman to get to her mother — specifically her mother’s chocolate chip cookies. Baked with love and just a touch of crack. The House Elf cookies are good warm, or frozen, served with coffee in the morning or red wine in the afternoon. They are a […]

Self soothing

After three months of rocking, bobbing, holding and cajoling, my kid finally followed my brother’s advice.

“You know when I was in Africa” (in the Peace Corp), my brother told me 35 years ago. “We just put the babies in the other room and closed the door. They will eventually fall asleep.”

Stack of (sub)Nazis

In a pathetic attempt to find more bullshit readers, I’ve copied some of these rants onto Substack — the latest web craze that converted “blogs” into “newsletters” and makes people pay for their content.

Out of the ashes of that slanted and biased journalism that used to be controlled through the cost of printing shit on paper (or later hiring a digital team to create a complex website) rose Substack. Pulling personalities and writers of all stripes out of their collective holes and onto a platform that made it “easy” to market and collect subscriptions. I particularly enjoy reading Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.

Build an email list, beg for donations (“buy me a coffee” buttons are popular) and abracadabra some writers can make a living on the internet.

I found out last week “some writers” includes Nazis.

Totalitarian Tech

George Orwell got it slightly wrong.  Big Brother is not a totalitarian political dictator, he’s the tech nerd trying to “make your life better.”

We know Facebook  and Google make their money selling data about us.  There’s billions in knowing who you are, who you know, what you do and where you go.