Category: Political Correctness

PC culture is the ultimate bullshit. When I can’t think of a category, shit goes here.

Stop the polls

My democratic friends have been wetting their beds for weeks over the latest polls. The NY Times, CNN, FOX polls are all showing the twice-impeached-four-times-indicted, orange, Putin-puppet tied or in a lead for the oldest horse race in presidential history. Just when you thought they couldn’t get any […]

The cowards of the court

I spent hours trying to be a good citizen — reading arguments on both sides of the 14th amendment and stripping Trump off the ballot. After carefully weighing both sides, I had made my own “perfect decision.“ Then I listened to the Supreme Court. As Neil Katyal said: […]

Disappointing her — again

Watching too much of the news has been making the wife anxious. Just when some “good news” made her feel just a bit better again, I had to ruin it. As our slow unsteady descent into a potential dictatorship plays out across each day’s “headlines,” finally there was […]

Pipe dreams

Phoenix is thinking about building a $5 billion desalination plant and pipeline to bring water from the Sea of Cortez to the Sonoran Desert. Maybe it’s a good idea, but from what I’ve heard, it’s shitty execution. A pipeline through Organ Pipe National forest — fucking stupid.  I […]

Safe skies

What can we do with a “do-nothing Congress”? Fix the problem ourselves. Let’s face it, when it comes to Ukraine, America’s leaders have abandoned us. They put up bullshit arguments about the border, Israel and Taiwan while they let our one ally in Europe that is actually fighting on […]

Good Zoom

Have you ever had a Zoom meeting that was uplifting and made you feel better about the world? Me neither. But you can read about one here. From my friend, Stephen Metcalfe. By the way, this story made me want to re-read his book Attachment Patterns — for […]

#SitforIsrael #SitforPalestine

I can’t stand the people who thousands of miles away from the conflict were quick to pick a side in a tragedy with their stupid #StandforIsrael and #StandforPalestine signs, and hashtags, protests and moronic posts.

I’m looking at you America (and Europe). You fuckers are a big part of the problem.